Grand Chapter RAMNL
Convocation 2021
May 29
Companions please be informed that due to recent development related to the Covid19 outbreak in Central Newfoundland, and with due consideration given to the input provided at the BOGP meeting last night, the decision has been made by the Grand Council to cancel the in-person convocation meeting as well as the zoom broadcast scheduled for Saturday, May 29th. This decision was made out of an abundance of caution for everyone's safety and to ensure that the Grand Chapter's Convocation would not be in any way responsible for another outbreak of Covid19.
At the Grand Council meeting it was also decided to install the Grand High Priest and the Grand King into their respective offices with the understanding that all other officers will be installed in their Chapters at some future date.
I, therefore, wish to formally announce that our new Grand High Priest is M. Ex. Companion Robert Mercer and our Grand King is the R. Ex. Companion Keith Goulding. While the Grand Council understands that this is a significant compromise, current circumstances made this option a necessity.
Please join with me in offering our newly installed Grand High Priest M. Ex. Companion Robert Mercer and our Grand King R. Ex. Companion Keith Goulding our congratulations and pledge of support.'
Thank you.
Grand Secretary, R. Ex. Companion Terry Andrews
The Order of High Priest Hood and the Moses Munroe Awards (as well as all other awards) will be postponed until such time as a full convocation can occur.
26th Annual Convocation, Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Newfoundland and Labrador
Location: Bennett Hall, West Street Corner Brook, NL, Canada