Ouananiche Chapter No. 5
Stephenville, NL
Meetings held on the fourth Wednesday of every month except in July, August, and December.
Most Excellent High Priest: V.Ex. Comp. Corey J. Ivany
Excellent King: Comp. Mark Roberts
Excellent Scribe: Comp. Greg Hovey
Treasurer: V. Ex. Comp. C. Wayne Butt
Secretary: M. Ex. Comp. James L. Davis
Archivist: V. Ex. Comp. C. Wayne Butt
Chaplain: V. Ex. Comp. Robert Clarke
Captain of the Host: Comp. Keith White
Principal Sojourner: V.Ex. Comp. Lawrence D. Bentley
Royal Arch Captain: Comp. Todd Hillier
Master of the Third Veil: Comp. Lloyd Francis
Master of the Second Veil: Comp. Henry Rose
Master of the First Veil: Comp. Gary Bailey
Organist: Vacant
Tyler: Ex. Comp. Don Dalton